Hey Arlington - Did you know there is over $1.2 Billion of unclaimed property in Tennessee? Conduct a free online search today and find your missing money!
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ROAD WORK AHEAD - Another improvement project is coming! The Town heard your concerns and will be implementing a traffic calming plan on Forrest Street, between Griffin Rd and the main entrance to Forrest St. Park. Work is expected to begin Sept. 4th.
With the success of various events at the Park, traffic has increased in the area (vehicle and pedestrian). To address this, the proposed plan includes a planted median, pedestrian crosswalks with ADA ramps, and new signage - with a goal to get citizens and vehicles safely through the area.
Work is anticipated to take approximately 3 weeks to complete. During that time, residents will need to detour around the area. Possible detour options include: Griffin Road to Chester, or using Hwy 70 between Milton Wilson and Chester. Access to the Park will remain open through the west entrance, at the Farmers' Market Pavilion.
Don't forget - the Arlington Crossing Market is open today from 8am to Noon.
Let's settle that dispute with your spouse - handles on trash cans should be placed away from the street (hope that was your stance). But seriously, this ensures they're emptied properly by the truck every week. Also, always make sure you leave space between cans and other items, so there's plenty of room to access them.
Don't forget - paving work starts tomorrow on Douglass St. (between Chester and Wylie Streets). https://www.townofarlington.org/news_detail_T6_R850.php
Make the most of your blue Recycle bin! Weekly recycle service will accept: tin, glass, aluminum, mixed paper, and plastics marked ♲ 1-7. Just don’t bag recycle items, as the recycle center can’t accept plastic bags.
Only a few days left to get your overdue Library fines forgiven - and give back to local schools at the same time! Stop by in July and the Library will waive $1 in fines for every new school supply donated.
Did you know your weekly trash collection can include up to 3 additional bags outside your garbage bin? Could be helpful next time you're preparing for house guests 😉
PAVING NOTICE - Several paving projects on Town roads will be starting soon.
Douglass Street is first - Paving work will start next Tuesday, August 1st (weather permitting). Work will include the area between Chester and Wylie Streets. It will start with patching & milling, then follow with a final surface pave.
DO NOT PARK on this area of Douglass during the pavement improvements.
RECYCLE DELAY- Due to an equipment issue, Recycle service is running behind this week. You may leave your recycle containers out from your normal collection day until collected. Waste Pro will catch up as soon as possible.
Don't forget - the Arlington Crossing Market is open today from 8am to Noon.
Bring your lawn chairs down to The Crossing Amphitheater tomorrow night and enjoy the sounds of the Jason Foree Band. As always, music starts at 7pm weather permitting.
This month's band is sponsored by Brian Elder Roofing and Shepherd's Haven.
YARD DEBRIS - Your residential service in Arlington includes weekly yard debris pickup on your normal collection day.
This can include larger items, such as limbs, and up to 5 bags of yard waste (grass clippings, leaves, etc). Just make sure your non-bagged items are no more than 6 feet in length and 35 lbs each.
In total, Waste Pro will collect up to 6 cubic yards of Yard Waste from your home each week - which equals a lot of yard work.
Waste Pro is returning to pre-pandemic waste collection rules. Hopefully you’ve received some Trash Service reminders and tips in your mailbox recently. But in case those reminders fell in with the junk mail, we're going to highlight some of those in the coming days.
WEIGHT LIMIT - One noteworthy change is the return of a strict, 35-pound weight limit on individual yard waste items like limbs & on individual bulky items (items that don't fit in your trash bin). Residential customers still receive both yard debris & bulk pick-up every week, but items must now be a size a Waste Pro employee can handle.
If you have larger bulk items, they can be collected for an additional charge. Reach out to Waste Pro or Arlington Public Works in advance to get a quote to pickup any larger items.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the U.S. ARMY! Older than the nation it defends, the U.S. Army was officially established on June 14, 1775. Two of our own staff are Army Veterans, Fire Chief James Harvill and Vice Mayor Harry McKee. Be sure to wish them a Happy Army Birthday if you see them.
#ArmyBDay #BeAllYouCanBe #UnitedStatesArmy #SaluteOurTroops
Don't forget - Music on the Square is the 3rd Saturday each month! Bring your lawn chairs or blanket. Food trucks will be available. Music starts at 7pm!