Business Licenses & Tax
** NEW BUSINESS TAX FILING THRESHOLD - May 2023 - The State of TN recently changed Business Tax Filing Thresholds with the passing of the Tennessee Works Tax Act. These new rules apply to tax years ending on or after December 31, 2023. Please see the following for new information - Notice #23-08
Frequently Asked Questions for Businesses:
How do I start a business in Arlington? see this handout of steps to consider when starting a new business in Town
Are there any other businesses with the name I am interested in?
Is there any other helpful information for starting a business in Tennessee? Yes, check this State website for other resources.
What if I want to operate a business out of my home? There are some options to have a business in your home, but there are also additional regulations to ensure it does not negatively impact adjacent homes.
Can I open a business in any location or commercial space I find? No. Arlington's Zoning Ordinance specifies which uses are appropriate in different zones and other requirements, such as parking. Before you sign a lease or purchase a property, be sure to contact the Planning Department and confirm your use is permitted there and can meet all requirements.