Mission Statement
Arlington is a premier "community of homes" featuring top quality, safe neighborhoods that exist in concert with the natural environment; a diverse population that is committed to community involvement and volunteerism; and a superb educational system.
Core Values
Board of Mayor and Aldermen - To provide leadership. While listening carefully and respectfully to all points of view, to ultimately set policy and make decisions based on facts and what is in the best interest of the entire Town. To treat town employees with respect, recognize their special talents and training, and listen to their advice.
Town Employees - To service the public in an atmosphere of courtesy, friendliness and respect, consistently treating everyone fairly within the policies, rules and regulations of Arlington. To provide the highest quality municipal services in an effective, creative and fiscally responsible manner. To ensure employees remain safe and maintain a healthy quality of work/life balance.
Fiscal Responsibility - To provide the highest quality municipal service, consistent with the resources available to us. To allocate such resources fairly to meet the needs of the community, while being responsible for the fair and just governance of its citizens that requires the responsible expenditure of every tax dollar.
Economic Development - To recognize that high quality Town services are to a large extent dependent on a strong business community. To provide and further enhance a strong economic base by encouraging revenue-producing, high quality, "clean" retail, commercial and industrial development that is compatible with a community of homes atmosphere.
Education - To recognize that a major strength of our community is the educational system. To ensure that our efforts are consistent with maintaining the quality of education provided to the community. To support the Board of Education in this critical area.
Quality of Life - To provide a pleasing community atmosphere and a level of maintenance of public streets, parks, rights-of-way and other public facilities that is consistent with the level of maintenance our citizens provide to their private property. To recognize and promote individual property rights while ensuring that the rights of others are not infringed upon. To provide quality parks, recreation opportunities, library and other information services, senior and youth programs, and encourage medical facilities for our citizens. To promote a positive community spirit and pride in the community through our employees. We encourage a balance between work and family time for our employees to ensure the quality of life.
Public Safety - To assure that residents will be safe in their homes and neighborhoods. To be prepared for disasters and provide for the protection of life and property in such event.
Public Infrastructure - To protect, maintain and enhance the Town's public infrastructure. To anticipate the long-term needs of the infrastructure and take prudent steps to provide for those needs.
Transportation - To provide quality streets and control systems for the efficient movement of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
Communication - To educate the community on Town programs and operations as well as their role in the governmental process. We are committed to providing transparency to earn the trust and confidence of an informed citizenry.