Business in Arlington
Successful businesses are essential to economic development in Arlington. Businesses create jobs and provide essential services and amenities to Arlington residents.
From the historic Depot Square area, to the developing the corridors of Hwy 70, Hwy 64, I-269/Hwy 385, and Airline Road, the future of thriving business in Arlington looks very bright. Arlington residents also enjoy convenient proximity to businesses in nearby communities, such as Memphis, Bartlett, and Lakeland.
Local Partnerships
Arlington and Shelby County governments work together, coupled with involved citizenry, to actively seek and attract positive economic development to the area.
Town and County agencies, along with the Chamber of Commerce, strive to maintain a sound business climate which is receptive to business and industry and to encourage good labor-management relations.
Quality Development Standards
In attracting economic development, it is important the Town promotes a Quality of Life that is desirable to both business owners and residents. To achieve this, Arlington has Development Standards to ensure businesses maintain their appeal over time and contribute to the value of business investments. This, in turn, lends to the provision of quality neighborhoods and public facilities for Arlington residents.
Entities such as the Planning Commission, Design Review Committee, and Industrial Development Board ensure the public's involvement with regard to applying our standards to Arlington's residential, commercial, and industrial growth. With vision and successful planning, the development of our business community will yield to economic growth that does not detract from the small town charm and unique character that personifies Arlington today.
If you believe your business is a good fit for the Town of Arlington, please speak with Planning Department staff and review our Ordinances (i.e. Zoning Ordinance, Design Guidelines, and Historic Depot Square Guidelines) to see how your business can become an Arlington asset !
For more information on items frequently asked by current or prospective businesses, see the links provided or reach out to Town Hall or our local Chamber.