Sewer Fees

How is my Sewer Bill calculated?

Sewer charges are calculated based on the total amount of water consumed at a location, as most water must be treated after use. (Even water in swimming pools is required to be drained and treated through a sewer system and should never go directly into a storm drain which leads to creeks and rivers without treatment.)

Starting October 1, 2024, sewer charges will include a base rate of $9.56, plus a volume charge for water consumption of $3.62 per ccf. (The term "ccf" represents 100 cubic feet of water and is how water usage is calculated; one ccf is equal to 748 gallons).

To determine your sewer fee,
multiply the amount of water used by $3.62 (usage rate), and then add $9.56 (base rate).
if water used is 15 ccf, multiply 15 x $3.62 = $54.30, then add $9.56 = $63.86 sewer charge

For all other information regarding your MLGW bill, call MLGW at (901) 544-6549.

Aerial view of Arlington Wastewater Treatment Plant, showing buildings and ponds surrounded by trees