Stormwater & Water Quality Management
Water pollution can come from many different sources. One source is untreated runoff water after a rain event, which comes from streets, construction sites, parking lots and private driveways, among others. This runoff goes directly into our storm drains and eventually into our local rivers and streams.
To protect its citizens from this pollution, the Town of Arlington is tasked with developing and implementing a Stormwater Management Program that seeks to manage stormwater runoff before it enters area rivers and tributaries.
** REMEMBER - all water that goes through our storm drains leads to our creeks & rivers, such as the Loosahatchie River.

Public Education, Involvement, And Participation
Arlington Residents are encouraged to learn how to mitigate stormwater pollution. The following provides information about stormwater and tips on how to keep our waters clean.

Arlington Stormwater Management
Federal and State governments require certain cities and towns to comply with mandates for minimizing stormwater runoff, including the Town of Arlington. Stormwater management is required by the Environmental Protection Agency under the Clean Water Act of 1972. Arlington has a Phase II Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit, which allows Arlington to discharge stormwater from its drainage system into nearby rivers and streams. The permit requires six (6) minimum program areas, listed below:
Public education and outreach
Public involvement and participation
Illicit discharge detection and elimination
Construction site stormwater runoff control
Post-Construction stormwater management in new development and re-development
Pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations
Town of Arlington - Stormwater Reports And Information
Arlington is required to submit Annual Reports to TDEC regarding implementation of the MS4 program. Find the Town's annual reports and additional information on Outfalls and Streams by clicking below.