2017 News Story
The Board of Mayor and Aldermen approved Resolution 2018-49 to amend a schedule of Sewer Charges and Fees relative to Sewer Use on August 6th, 2018.

The Town engaged the services of University of Tennessee, Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS), for an in depth Wastewater System Financial Rate Study. This Study was presented to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen on July 2nd, 2018.

The study suggests a rate increase on Sewer User Charges in order to reduce Arlington's dependency upon surcharges and inspection fees, reduce the risk of reporting a negative change in net position and increase cash flow for operations necessary to pay off debt or enable cash payments instead of borrowing to meet the needs of the Town's Sewer System. The study showed an increase of 15% needed along with an automatic Cost of Living Adjustment of 2% for each following year.

This increase will go into effect on October 1st, 2018. Sewer Rates for Residential, Commercial, and Industrial will now be as followed:

Base Rate of $8.65 with no minimum volume plus $3.27 per CCF* of water usage
*CCF is defined as 100 cubic feet of water