Pursuant to the Municipal Charter of the Town of Arlington the following notice is given:
Ordinance 2018-09 to amend Title 11 Municipal Offenses, Chapter 4 Offenses against the Peace and Quiet, of the Arlington Municipal Code by the Amending Section (h) Building Operation to allow work on Saturday from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, with no heavy equipment allowed.
Ordinance 2018-11 to amend the Town of Arlington Zoning Map by Rezoning roughly 1.4 acres of property located at 10972 and 10982 Highway 64 from E: Estate Residential to B2: General Commercial.
Passed on second and final reading on October 1st, 2018. The Ordinances will be in effect at the time of publication, copies are on file at Town Hall, 5854 Airline Road, Arlington, Tennessee, for review.