Town Logo on green background and the words Storm Damage Relief Information

Our region was struck with tornados and severe storms on 3/31/23 and 4/01/23. Major Disaster Declarations were declared for both the states of Tennessee and Mississippi. Shelby County is listed as a contiguous county in each declaration, and thus they can each address economic impacts in  Arlington. This includes impacts to homeowners and renters, as well as traditional SBA-served businesses and non-profit private organizations (like schools and churches).

This declaration overlap is, in fact, a very important nuance for the businesses of Shelby County to note. Businesses are eligible to apply to SBA for working capital needs they would have ordinarily been able to meet had the storm not happened. While both declarations name the county as a contiguous county, it is important to note the loan application deadlines are different. (see below). The other difference is the Mississippi declaration is an Agency (or Administrative) declaration, and the Tennessee declaration is a presidential declaration. When declarations rise to the presidential declaration level, FEMA is involved and therefore, it may offer additional assistance in some cases. Otherwise, there are few, if any, material differences between an agency and presidential declaration when it comes to a county being named as a contiguous county.

Shelby county businesses (regardless of size), and nonprofits including charitable organizations such as churches and private universities, are eligible to apply for working capital loansHomeowners are also able to apply for assistance due to Physical Damage - although the deadlines are much sooner.  We strenuously encourage them to apply by the deadline dates.

Declaration TN 17867 – Economic Injury Disaster Loan Deadline:  January 8, 2024
Declaration TN 17867 – Physical Damage Disaster Loan Deadline:  June 6, 2023

Declaration MS 17895/17896 - Economic Injury Disaster Loan Deadline: January 25, 2024
Declaration MS 17895/17896 - Physical Damage Disaster Loan Deadline: June 26, 2023


TN 17866 Disaster Declaration  -  TN 17866 Declaration Fact Sheet  -  Office Locations for Assistance  

MS 17895 Disaster Declaration -  MS 17895 Declaration Fact Sheet  -  Office Locations for Assistance  

When Disaster Strikes - Info on Disaster Assistance Loans for Businesses and Nonprofits

 Assistance Video: How to Apply for a Disaster Assistance Loan - YouTube.

How businesses may use EIDL loans

Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) – The law limits EIDLs to $2,000,000 for alleviating economic injury caused by the disaster. The actual amount of each loan is limited to the economic injury determined by SBA, less business interruption insurance and other recoveries up to the administrative lending limit. EIDL assistance is available only to entities and their owners who cannot provide for their own recovery from non-government sources, as determined by the U.S. Small Business Administration.

Currently, business owners who would like to apply for an EIDL loan should visit one of the attached office locations closest to Shelby county, Desoto county (MS) and Tipton county (TN) or online at