Arlington Board Members posing with Brian Thompson after presenting award

Former Alderman Brian Thompson was honored at this month's BMA meeting for his over 20 years of dedicated service to the Town of Arlington. If you've spent time at Town Hall meetings or Town special events during those 20 years, you probably saw Brian.  As Mayor Wissman said at the meeting, “he helped shape our town.”

His service includes: 12 years as a Town Alderman, 13 years on the Design Review Committee (11 as Chairman), 7 years on the Planning Commission (4 as Chairman), 4 years on the local Chamber Board, and service on the Town’s Industrial Development Board and Finance Committee. Among other things, Brian took part in the creation & adoption of the Town's last two Future Land Use Plans, the Depot Square Guidelines & Master Plan, various Zoning and Municipal Code amendments, and annual Town Budgets.  He was also instrumental in the development of Town's first Design Guidelines, which allowed the Town to require quality design in new development.  Outside of Town Hall, Brian also plays a big role in helping coordinate community events, including Arlington's BBQ FallFest, the Star Spangled Spectacular, and Town Christmas Parade.

While we'll be sad to no longer call Mr. Thompson an Arlington resident, we expect he will still be active in our community, and we hope he continues to think of Arlington as "home."