A public hearing will be held on September 3, 2019 to consider the Second Reading of Ordinance 2019-08, an amendment and update to the Town of Arlington Future Land Development Plan, including all maps and pages therein.
The current Future Land Development Plan and Map are available on the Town website. The Draft Updated Map being considered is available here.
The State of Tennessee requires cities to have a Comprehensive Plan or Land Development Plan, which is intended to serve as a long-range guide for thoughtful development and redevelopment. The goal is to provide guidance to Town leaders and a rational basis for future decisions regarding zoning, subdivision control, redevelopment, and related issues.
Our current Land Development Plan was adopted 1996 and last revised in 2010. As the plan provides guidance for the next 20 years, it is typical to revisit and update them part way through the planning period. As we are almost halfway through that 20-year period and have had such growth in the past decade, both residential and commercial, the Town decided it was time to undertake an update and approved it in the FY18/19 budget.
The steps that have been taken so far:
- In January 2019, the Town entered a Professional Services Agreement with Fisher Arnold to assist in the update and work began.
- A Subcommittee of residents was designated in May 2019, and they met bi-weekly to review the updated plan and map.
- A draft Updated Map was presented to residents at an open forum public meeting on August 19th.
- The Planning Commission considered the updated Plan at their August meeting with a public hearing.
- The BMA held a 1st reading on the Ordinance in August to consider previous input and provide comments to staff.
- The 2nd Reading of the update was advertised for a public hearing on September 3rd, 2019.