The State requires cities to have a Land Development Plan to provide guidance and a rational basis for future decisions on zoning changes, public infrastructure investment, and related items. The Town began working on an update to the 2010 Future Development Plan in late 2018, to reflect the Town's growth and many changes that had occured.
On January 21st, the Arlington Planning Commission approved the updated Future Land Use Plan. The new Plan is for future changes only and does not change the current zoning of any property in Town. The most notable changes include an overall increase in Estate Residential area (for agriculture and large lot residential) and reduction in Mixed Use area.
Attached and below is a Map Comparison, showing the previous and new Future Land Use Maps side by side.

Contact the Planning Department with any additional questions (901-867-2620).
On January 21st, the Arlington Planning Commission approved the updated Future Land Use Plan. The new Plan is for future changes only and does not change the current zoning of any property in Town. The most notable changes include an overall increase in Estate Residential area (for agriculture and large lot residential) and reduction in Mixed Use area.
Attached and below is a Map Comparison, showing the previous and new Future Land Use Maps side by side.

Contact the Planning Department with any additional questions (901-867-2620).